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Are you struggling with perfectionism? Everyone exhibits perfectionist behaviour from time to time, and it can be very helpful in certain situations. If you are hampered by your perfectionism more often than you can use it as a useful strategy, it is advisable to examine your behaviour further and possibly seek help or guidance.

What is it? 

Perfectionism, like any other behaviour, is a coping strategy, a form of self-protection. It naturally has a helping function and can be deployed as useful behaviour in certain situations. But what if you constantly make high demands on yourself, have a strong need for control and find it hard to hand things over, appreciation from others is very important to you, you find it hard to deal with feedback (criticism) from others, don't dare make mistakes, set the bar so high that you can't start a task. Your perfectionism can then no longer be used as a useful strategy; it hinders you in your functioning and performance. You may develop negative thoughts and beliefs, feel vulnerable, find it hard or impossible to relax, in short; your perfectionism controls you. 

What can you do yourself? 

You can examine your perfectionist behaviour through the Perfectionism Self Examination (PSE). Which 3 elements form the basis of your perfectionist behaviour? Which situations evoke perfectionist behaviour in you? Which elements are visible to your environment, how do they relate to the elements you have selected yourself? What does this tell you?  


Talk about it with people in your environment who are important and familiar to you and ask them for tips. Read books and articles on the subject, watch videos. 

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Contact team Student Guidance 

  • If perfectionism is affecting your mental well-being, make an appointment with a student psychologist.
  • If perfectionism is an actual impediment on your study progress, please book an appointment with a student counsellor.

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