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Everyone feels insecure or anxious from time to time. However for some, it causes blockages or burden at some point in life. 
What is it?

As human beings, we are born with basic emotions. However, as babies we do not know how to deal with these physical sensations. As attachment figures interact with us, we learn to recognise the emotions and learn how to deal with them. Uncertainty and fear are healthy and normal emotions, however, when not dealt with effectively, they can start to hinder you in your life.   


It doesn't always have to be this way, but at times in your life when this emotion challenges you more because of your life phase, situation, etc...it can rear its head. 

Forms of expression: 
  • Shame
  • Fear of failure
  • Perfectionism
  • Narcissism
  • Macho behaviour
  • Procrastination
  • Physical complaints
  • Depressive symptoms
  • Avoidance behaviour 

    It is important to place the manifestations/complaints within a context to place where it belongs. It is not meant to diagnose.

    What can you do yourself?

    Learn to recognise and accept your anxiety. This sounds simple, of course, but the first steps are in fact becoming aware of your own "coping" with anxiety. In the majority of cases, this only works in a relationship with someone (boyfriend, girlfriend, parent, therapist, psychologist, coach, etc...). That's because your reacting to your own emotions has become an automatism over the years and is therefore difficult to become aware of. It's like I would ask you to go back to conscious cycling, try it.

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    Self-learning module

    With your Fontys account, you can make free use of online self-help modules (e-health). Check out the modules related to confidence below.


    If you ever criticise yourself or doubt your self-worth, you may have a negative self-image.  This module can help you improve your self-image. You will take a closer look at your self-image and how it affects your thoughts, feelings and behaviour. Step by step, you will learn to become a more positive person and be less hard on yourself. 

    Go to the self-learning module

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    Contact team Student Guidance 

    • If self-conficence is affecting your mental well-being, make an appointment with a student psychologist.
    • If self-conficence is an actual impedement on your study progress, please book an appointment with a student counsellor.

    Book an appointment