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Self-learning module

Self-learning module

With your Fontys account, you can make free use of online self-help modules (e-health). Check out the modules related to stress below.

Stress among students 

Stress is a part of life and therefore a part of student life as well. If your stress level won`t go down or if you often suffer from anxiety, this is your wake-up call to take action. In this module, you will examine what causes your stress. You will learn to recognise stress and tackle its root cause. 

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Ambience photo Fontys

Stress Do you combine studying with a part-time job or study alongside your job? That can be stressful, but stress is part of life and therefore also part of working. But do you often experience work stress? Work stress is stress that can arise when you get too little energy from your work and experience too many negative work aspects. Then it's time for action! This module offers you useful explanations and exercises that will help you learn to recognise your stress signals.

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Ambience photo Fontys