

dr. Y.E.M. (Yvonne) Kirkels
Yvonne Kirkels ontwikkelt, coördineert en doceert strategie & innovatiemanagement en onderzoeksmethoden in challenge-based onderwijs in de voltijd en deeltijd. Zij is verantwoordelijk voor de afstudeercoördinatie en is op dit gebied landelijk actief. Om de interactie tussen onderzoek en onderwijs te stimuleren leidt ze zelf interdisciplinaire samenwerkingen met meerdere business partners, andere Fontys instituten, de TU/Eindhoven en is ze begeleider van masterstudenten aan de Open Universiteit in Nederland.
Yvonne Kirkels heeft International Business gestudeerd aan de Universiteit Maastricht. Na een aantal jaren werkzaam te zijn geweest in het bedrijfsleven op het gebied van marketing en sales is ze gepromoveerd aan de TU/e op een onderzoek naar netwerken en kennisdeling tussen de hightech en de creatieve industrie. Innovatie en de toenemende mate van samenwerking in ecosystemen hebben haar ertoe gebracht de rol van knooppunten en bruggenbouwers in deze processen nader te onderzoeken. (Strategische) allianties, adoptie- & mediatie processen, sociale netwerken, open supply chains en het MKB in de hightech sector zijn haar expertisegebieden. Momenteel doet ze onderzoek naar de integratie van technische en sociale innovatie in de SMART-industrie, met name in de SMART Maintenance. Ook innovatie in het onderwijs, met name leren in netwerken, heeft haar onderzoeksaandacht in het Europese project ArtIST, waar ze als werkpakketleider aan deelneemt.
Individueel gedrag beïnvloedt welke netwerkkansen daadwerkelijk door bedrijven worden gerealiseerd. Ondernemerschap, een proces van realiseren van kansen, is daarom ook een onderzoeks- en onderwijsfocus. Samen met universiteiten in België, Nederland en Duitsland biedt ze een internationaal ondernemerschapsprogramma aan, het Panther programma, op het gebied van executive educatie
Open - Collaborative Innovation Articles
- Roijakkers, N., Cobben, D., and Kirkels, Y., A Comprehensive Analysis of Cooperative Strategy Trends: Insights from a Systematic Literature Review spanning 1990-2023”, Paper accepted at the World Open Innovation Conference 2024.
- Haynes, E., Berends, H., Deken, F., Cepa, K., Marina Bos-de Vos, Damla Diriker, Sharon Dolmans, Lukas Falcke, Thomas Friedli, Thomas Gegenhuber, Susan Hilbolling, Jasper Heeren, Jochem Hummel, Yvonne Kirkels, Kristina Lauche, Johanna Mair, Steffi Menten, Ida Eyi Heathcote-Fumador, Luc Van de Sande, Armand Smits, Philipp Tuertscher, Robin Teigland, Bob Walrave Daniel Wörner, and Gerrit Willem Ziggers (2024) Governance structures for cross-sector innovation networks, Paper submitted to Journal of Management Studies
- Kirkels, Y., Veerling, S., (2023) Innovation response behavior in the transition toward servitization, Paper accepted at the ISPIM Conference 2023
- Kirkels, Y., Van der Voort, M., Harmsen, J., Cobben, P., (2022) Architecture Principles for Digital Trust and Open Service Innovation, Paper accepted at the World Open Innovation Conference 2022
The strong uptake regarding digital transformation, and therein servitization, causes a lot of uncertainty among collaborating companies. Which information can be shared and which information must be protected? The presence of digital trust-enhancing knowledge is lacking. Designing tools together to achieve the desired level of digital trust, and to design entire smart industry systems for digital trust, remains challenging. Design principles and other design guides are lacking in this area. This article aims to fill this gap. We identify a set of concerns to digital trust in collaborations for Smart Maintenance among triads of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), Asset Owners (AO), and Service Providers (SP), define 9 design principles to overcome such concerns, and evaluate these principles in different industries. To achieve digital trust, before building and deploying digital solutions, industrial organizations should build technological and organizational foundations and use such foundations to organize themselves for digital trust. The proposed design principles and related insights for digital trust and subsequently open innovation can help develop and apply such foundations.
- Maliepaard, C., Reijrink, R., Kirkels, Y., Akkerman, H., The Smart Service Journey of Dutch Manufacturing SMEs, Paper accepted at the Spring Servitization Conference 2022
The purpose of this study is to understand which factors initiate growth and drive innovation of Dutch manufacturing SMEs during their digital servitization pathway
- Korthof, V.F., Roijakkers, N. and Kirkels, Y. (2021), The relation between employee involvement climate, absorptive & desorptive capacities and open innovation; the case of Dutch SMEs, Paper presented at the World Open Innovation Conference
To be able to tap into the opportunities open innovation presents and to overcome the typical SME weaknesses such as limited resources, it is important to understand how firms can support their entire workforce, not only R&D, in the build-up of dynamic capabilities. This quantitative study examines the relationship between dynamic capabilities absorptive and desorptive capacity and the extent to which Dutch SMEs implement OI activities, and the moderating effect of employee involvement climate. This study confirms earlier theoretical propositions that absorptive capacity is best applied when a firm intends to implement inbound OI activities, with other types of open innovation activities needing other dynamic capabilities. When it comes to exploiting outbound OI, this study empirically validates that desorptive capacity might be a more appropriate tool than absorptive capacity. Concerning the moderating effect of employee involvement climate, this study found no influence on the relationship between absorptive capacity and inbound OI activities. In contrast, the relationship between desorptive capacity and the extent to which a firm implements outbound OI activities becomes significantly stronger under the influence of employee involvement climate.
- Vander Velpen, K., & Kirkels, Y. (2022). Analytical and Synthetic Thinking. In B. Van Looy (Ed.), Entrepreneurial Competences. Antwerpen: Flanders Business School, fortcoming
STEAM education and teaching (open) innovation management articles
- Petraite, M., Vaisnore, A.; Khairullina, I., Baibhaw, K., Janiunaite, B., Podmetina, D., BERTHINIER-PONCET, A., Kirkels, Y., Bonaglia, M., (2022) Future STEAMpreneurs: using creative ecosystems for educating “antidisciplinary wrong thinking strange maker, Paper accepted at the R&D Conference 2022
Entrepreneurship education has been increasingly high on European agenda, especially with an aim to facilitate local ecosystems and enable creation and implementation of innovative ideas while capturing value from European cultural diversity, creativity and R&D activities. It also embraces the challenges future innovators have to face, such as complexity and scope of the problems to be tackled, institutional, technological and social uncertainties, and expanding multicultural environments of innovation that rise the need for crosscultural and crossdisciplinary, and very often also virtual collaboration. The need for novel approaches to education and learning urges educators and researchers to reimagine the ways of higher education to evoke one's most desirable thinking practices and also personal qualities. This requires to shift the focus on creating and employing new methods for education, changing learning environments, and embedding the local innovation and creativity ecosystems in order to provide versatile sources of experiences for students. Going beyond traditional innovation ecosystems towards creative industries, and arts is needed in order to ensure transformative learning environments. Having said that, the challenge is twofold: first - designing the most promising and versatile skill set for future entrepreneurs, while enriching STEM skills with art, i.e. developing STEAMpreneurs, and second - designing the playground for creativity and arts enhanced innovation in technology and science.
- Berthinier-Poncet, A, Kirkels, Y., Podmetina, D., & Petraite, M. (2022) Revitalizing innovation management courses through Art and Design thinking, Paper accepted at the AIMS conference 2022
- Kirkels, Y., Podmetina, D., & Berthinier-Poncet, A. (2021). Arts and Innovation: Insights from experimental online workshops on theatre, music and innovation, Paper presented at the R&D Management Conference
STEAM education is getting more popular, but still lacks conceptual clarity in terminology, pedagogy and research. This paper focuses on STEAM and the relation with innovation and entrepreneurship education, especially on how to effectively integrate the arts into these fields of study. Using action research, the identification, planning, taking and evaluation of actions in practice were examined for two workshops: music and theater. The results show how teachers of innovation and entrepreneurship in higher education with no arts background can make a start with STEAM teaching. They also point out the barriers in this research and development process to be overcome.
- Kirkels, Y., Podmetina, D., & Albats, E. (2019). Advancing Open Innovation Teaching: Practices and Experiences. Paper presented at the ISPIM Innovation Conference, Florence.
- Hafkesbrink, J., & Kirkels, Y. E. M. (2016). Open Innovations in SMEs. In A. Mention, A. P. Nagel, J. Hafkesbrink, & J. Dabrowska (Eds.), Innovation education reloaded (pp. 284-303). Lappeenranta, Finland: LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications.
- Kirkels, Y. E. M., & Post, G. (2013, June). Crowdvoting, a method tested in favour of entrepreneurship. Paper presented at the The XXIV ISPIM Conference, Helsinki, Finland.
- Kirkels, Y. E. M. (2010). Brokerage in SME Networks. (PhD), Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven. (link to article Brokerage in SME networks | Elsevier Enhanced Reader)
Praktijk arikelen
- WCM website (2023), Fontys vraagt WCM-leden naar vraagstukken van de toekomst
https://www.worldclassmaintenance.com/fontys-vraagt-wcm-leden-naar-vraagstukken-van-de-toekomst/ en LinkedIn pagina https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7043870810075234304
RegioBusiness (2022). Fontys & Smart Industry Fieldlab SAMEN - Mkb plukt vruchten van innovatieve kennisproducten. RegioBusiness, sept-okt.
- NVDO. (2021). Samenwerken is balanceren. Vakblad Asset Management, 3. ( https://issuu.com/nvdo7/docs/vam3_juli_2021/s/13070561)
- Winter, N., Kirkels, Y., & Rieck, F. (2021). How to gain acceptence from the road transportation sector for connected & automated transport? Helmond: Automotive Centre of Expertise (ACE). https://www.acemobility.nl/fileadmin/user_upload/English_publicationNielsWinter.pdf
- RegioBusiness (2021). Fontys Hogescholen en NTS Group: Gedeelde intellectual property. RegioBusiness, 3. https://www.regio-business.nl/magazines/archief/editie-oost-brabant/jan-feb-2021/fontys-hogescholen-en-nts-group-gedeelde-intellectual-property/ (pg. 7)
- Janssen, P., Claessen, P., & Kirkels, Y. (2021). Universities joining together in ACE. Drive, 3. https://www.acemobility.nl/fileadmin/user_upload/ACE_magazine_DRIVE_DEF.pdf
- Fontys nieuws (2021), Samenwerking tussen Fontys en TU/e innovation Space
- Innovatietafel Performance Based Contracting en Ketensamenwerking (2019) , Ketensamenwerking: leren door te doen, zomerconferentie World Class Maintenance Zuid