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5. Checking in

Step 5: Checking in

It is wise to zoom out at regular intervals. You review how your collected materials contribute to the demonstration of learning outcomes. Your development portfolio is the place where you keep track of how far along you are in terms of demonstrating the learning outcomes. Your lecturers, fellow students, and experts in the field of work also review where you are and what you still have to do. This is the moment to start asking for performance feedback. This way, you gain insight into what you still need to do to demonstrate the learning outcomes of the study unit. All follow-up steps are documented in your dynamic learning plan.

How can I ensure a 'check-in'?

A ‘check-in’ can take the shape of an intermediate or a development review, a pitch, or any other form that fits you and your education. Feedback gained from this provides insight into how far along you are in demonstrating the learning outcomes and at what level you’re performing. You can check in multiple times while you navigate your learning process. When you find you have collected sufficient evidence to demonstrate the study unit with learning outcomes, you can move on to the next step.

Ambience photo Fontys
  • Have I made clear where I think I am with regard to the learning outcomes?
  • Have I chosen evidence that I believe shows how I have achieved the learning outcomes?
  • Does my material meet the expectations as I articulated them at the beginning of the study period?
  • Have I visualised any and all feedback from lecturers, fellow students and experts in the field of work in my portfolio?
  • Do I know what to do from now on to demonstrate learning outcomes?