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Continue studying after your bachelor

Almost finished with your bachelor's programme and not yet finished with your personal development? Then continuing your studies is a good option. How and when you do so is up to you; immediately or after a gap year. To make a choice it is valuable to not only look ahead, but also to look back. A suitable choice starts with a reflection on yourself and your experiences so far! This page helps you get started. Talk to your student coach to find out what is possible in your programme.

Who are you, what do you want and what can you do?

First, reflect on yourself. Who are you and what suits you? What subjects interest you, what are your qualities and what do you like to do? And what do you already know about your future dream job?

In this phase, it is important to explore what study programmes are options for you and which one matches your preferences and interests the most.

Your options

Dare to take your talents, interests and motivations as the starting point for your choice. Studying further will give you more depth and broaden your knowledge, increasing your career opportunities and enhancing your personal development. Start looking specifically for what suits you.

A good starting point is to see what study programmes there are. On allehbomasters.nl and universitairemasters.nl you will find an overview of all (hbo) masters. Perhaps you have a preference for a university or university of applied sciences because you would like to study in a particular city, for example. In that case, you can of course start your orientation by looking at the websites of that university and/or university of applied sciences. If you find masters programmes that interest you, it is also a good idea to take part in activities such as open days. This way, you can get a good taste of the atmosphere and better assess whether that master's degree and educational institution suits you. Need an independent overview and want to easily compare different master's programmes? Then take a look at the Keuzegids or Studiegids LDC.

A master at Fontys

Fontys also offers masters within various fields, such as education, technology, art and culture, finance and management and organisation. Are you curious which master's programmes you can follow at Fontys?

Check out the masters

Look at the range of master's programmes offered abroad. On mastersportal.com you can find masters programmes at educational institutions around the world. Look carefully at costs, length of study and entry requirements.


For graduates of Dutch universities of applied sciences who want to continue studying or doing research abroad, there are the vsbfonds scholarship and the Prince Bernard Culture Fund scholarship.

More about the VSBfonds scholarship More about the Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds scholarship

Upon completion, both hbo and university award you the internationally recognised master's title. The level of education is therefore the same (level 7 within the Dutch qualification framework), but there are differences.

University of Applied Sciences

  • Focus on Practical Application - these institutions focus on the practical application of knowledge. Programs are designed to prepare students for specific professions or industries, and there is often a strong connection between the curriculum and real-world problems.
  • Skill Based - Teaching methods here are often more hands-on, with an emphasis on practical skills and real-world applications. Internships and work placements may be a mandatory part of the curriculum.
  • Career path - Graduates are typically well-prepared for entry into specific professions and industries. The focus is on practical skills that are immediately applicable in the workforce.

Research University

  • Focus on research - These institutions prioritise academic research and the creation of new knowledge. They often have a strong emphasis on theoretical and abstract concepts. Faculty members at research universities are typically expected to engage in significant research activities in addition to teaching.
  • Knowledge based - The teaching style at research universities often involves lectures, seminars, and independent study. Students are expected to engage in critical thinking, analysis, and theoretical understanding of their subjects.
  • Career path - Graduates from research universities often pursue careers in academia, research, or other fields that require a strong theoretical foundation.

Not making up your own mind? Talking to others about your study choice is very important and will help you to make up your mind. Talk to your parents, family members, your friends/friends or someone you know. They can all say something about you. Are you a social person? Are you good at persevering? Are you active or a big thinker?

We like to help you with your next step!

Sometimes it is nice to talk to someone you know from school and who asks the right questions. For example, talk to your student coach or tutor; he or she knows the professional field like no other and can help you think about a suitable follow-up route. Or make an appointment with a study career choice advisor.

Go to the contact details

Practical information

Continuing your studies may impact your student finance from DUO (Dutch government) if you are currently receiving it.

DUO about doing a master's


    If you have not previously completed a master's degree, you most likely pay the statutory tuition fee (if you are an EU/EEA citizen).

    More about the costs of studying abroad in the Netherlands
      Interested in a master's at Fontys? Check which tuition fee applies to you