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Healthy and vital studying

Get Connected

On Get Connected, you will find initiatives on sports, social events and communities. Are you looking for new contacts with fellow students? Get connected!

Get Connected!

Irregular and busy life, poor eating and little sleep. Sound familiar? It is good to exercise or move for at least half an hour every day and also relax. On this page, you will find tips on how to study healthily and vitally. In the Fontys cities, there is plenty to do at the various student sports associations, among others.

Use of alcohol

Have a dance, celebrate life and enjoy. Keep it cozy and respect someone else's choice to drink or not to drink.

Fontys smoke free

Smoking at Fontys both inside and outside, is banned by August 2020. Fontys places great value on a healthy learning environment.

Mental Health

Assertiveness, concentration problems, loneliness and stress. These are examples of complaints that affect your mental well-being.

Food allergies

Do you have an allergy and would you like to know how the Fontys caterers deal with it? All Fontys caterers have an insight into the allergens present.

Self-learning module

With your Fontys account, you can make free use of online self-help modules (e-health).


Attempts to lose weight, go to the gym three times a week or meditate every single day often end in failure. You're excited to get started, but before long you're only going to the gym once a week instead of three times. Shortly after that, you skip the gym entirely after work and grab some junk food instead.

Why is it so difficult to change your lifestyle behaviour? How can you realise sustainable change instead of making one doomed attempt after another? In this module, you will learn the answers to these questions. 

Go to the self-learning module
Ambience photo Fontys

Working or studying from home

Do you work or study at home? Working from home has become 'the new normal' for many people. But that does not mean it is easy for everyone. Are you running into challenges? Or do you want to get even better at working or studying at home? Then this module is for you. It will help you turn your home into a good workplace too.

Go to the self-learning module

Ambience photo Fontys

Sport and exercise

Need guidance?

Lifestyle training+

Are you not able to work on your physical fitness goals because of an injury, a lack of motivation or too much study stress? Or do you want to become more active? Sign up for a 10-week individual programme with an exercise and lifestyle coach.