Docentonderzoeker en Projectleider RAAK PRO Sustainable Batteries
D. (Desirée) Seo
Expertise: Desirée received in 2005 her electronic bachelor degree in the majors power electronics and business technology. For 11 years she worked as an electrical engineer building installations. In 2005 she started working at the engineering firm Deerns where her main objective was designing electrical installations for sustainable and energy neutral buildings. She specialized in designing installation special health lighting for elderly and demented elderly. At the same time she started and finished her master degree at the University of Eindhoven. From 2017 to 2018 she worked for the Zuyd University of Applied Science as a researcher in the research team Solar Energy in the built environment and lecturer Energy Engineering. From 2018 until now she works as a researcher and lecturer Automotive at Fontys University of Applied Science. Present focus of her activities is second life batteries and applications as research theme leader for electric drive and battery technology for the research team Future Automotive.Current Position Researcher Future Automotive at Fontys University of Applied Sciences. Education 2005 Bachelor Electrotechniek Hogeschool Zuyd and Fachhochschule Aachen 2011 M.Sc. Building Services TU Eindhoven.