Onderzoeksleider Automotive & Energy Innovation
Dr. P.P.H. (Paul) Verstegen
Paul Verstegen is in 1994 als elektrotechnisch ingenieur afgestudeerd aan de Hogeschool Eindhoven. Hierna is hij bij diverse bedrijven werkzaam geweest als hardware en software ontwikkelaar. Vervolgens heeft hij aan de TU Delft een promotieonderzoek uitgevoerd. Sinds 2022 is hij als associate lector Future Mobility verbonden aan Fontys Engineering (Automotive Engineering). Zijn huidige focus is datamonitoring en modellering/digitale twinning van geëlektrificeerde auto's (aangedreven door batterijen of brandstofcellen).
Paul Verstegen received in 1994 his electronics bachelor degree on the subject ”optimisation of a servo system”. For 5 years he worked at the R&D department of ”Roto Electronics” as a electronics hardware and (embedded) software engineer. In 1999 he started working at ”Fluidwell B.V.” where his main objective was the development and approval of an intrinsic safe flow indicator. In 2001 he founded the company M2Control: where he develops and implements software for data analysis and control. In 2003 he started his PhD project at the “lectoraat mechatronica Fontys Hogeschool Eindhoven”. This project was the design and realisation of a P&P machine with an output of 16,000 components per hour and an accuracy of 15 μm (1σ). This project was a cooperation between ”Hogeschool Utrecht” and ”Fontys Hogeschool Eindhoven” under supervision of prof.dr.ir. J. van Eijk and ir. J.W. Spronck of the Delft University of Technology. His thesis was finished under supervision of prof.dr.ir. J.L. Herder and ir. J.W. Spronck of the Delft University of Technology. From 2007 to 2010 he worked at the ”Fontys Hogeschool Eindhoven” as researcher. Starting in 2011 he became CTO at Focal Meditech B.V. and developed with the R&D team several arm support systems for impaired persons. In august 2017 he worked at MI-partners as senior electronics system designer. Since March 2022 he is associate lector Future mobility at Fontys Hogeschool Engineering (Automotive Engineering division). Present focus of his activities is data-monitoring, and modelling/digital twinning of electrified automotive vehicles (battery or fuel cell driven).