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W. (Willem) Gosens

Willem Gosens is docent bewegingswetenschappen bij Fontys Sporthogeschool. Hij is Master in de Bewegingswetenschappen (Universiteit Maastricht), en is daarvoor afgestudeerd als Bachelor Lichamelijke Opvoeding (Fontys Sporthogeschool).

Binnen het onderzoeksteam van het lectoraat Move to Be is hij verantwoordelijk voor de ethische toetsing van het onderzoek.

Gosens, W., van’t Hul, A.J., Oomen, J.M. , Hesselink, M.K.C., & Borghouts, L.B. (2017). Mechanical Efficiency in COPD. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 37(2), 146-153. doi: 10.1097/HCR.0000000000000241

Oomen, J., & Gosens, W. (2013). Centrally acting performance modifiers in open-ended versus closed-ended exercise tests. Poster communication ECSS 2013 congress, Barcelona.

Gosens, W., Brage, S., van’t Hul, A., Oomen, J.M., van Ranst, D. Hesselink, M.K.C, & Borghouts, L.B. (2012). Mechanical efficieny in COPD. Abstracts of the European Congres of Sport Sciences (ECSS), Bruges, 2012, July 4-7, Bruges, (Belgium).

Oomen, J., Gosens, W., Brage, S., van’t Hul, A., & Borghouts, L.B. (2012). Validity of the actiheart activity monitor for activity energy expenditure measurement in patients with COPD. Poster communication ECSS 2012 congress, Bruges.

Gosens, W., (2011). Reproducibility of a time trial cycle ergometer test protocol in comparison to a constant work rate test protocol in patients with COPD. Abstracts of the European Respiratory Society (ERS) 2011, september 24-28, Amsterdam (Netherlands).

Gosens, W., (2011). COPD- patienten getest; De constant work rate test en de time trial test. FysioPraxis, 1, 16-19.

Gosens, W., Brage, S., van’t Hul, A., Oomen, J.M., van Ranst, D., Hesselink, M.K.C., & Borghouts, L.B. (2011). Validity of the actiheart activity monitor for activity energy expenditure measurement in patients with COPD. Abstract of the RACMEM congress, 2011, November 2-4, Maastricht, (Netherlands)


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W. (Willem) Gosens
