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Quitting your study

You want to (temporarily) stop your studies. You can arrange deregistration from Fontys yourself. You can do this via Studielink. You may also have to stop any study financing and public transport travel products at DUO.

1. Deregistration via Studielink

If you wish to discontinue your course programme, go to Studielink and log in using your personal details.

1. Select the enrolment you wish to terminate and select the ‘Request for termination of enrolment' button under ‘Study Programme Details’ (for termination of enrolment in July and/or August, please see below).

2. Fill in the requested details on the 'Request for deregistration' form and confirm. Studielink will send this message to Fontys University of Applied Sciences. Your enrolment will be terminated. Depending on the type of tuition fees, reimbursement of any overpaid tuition fees can be possible.

Follow the steps below also if this applies to you.

2. Stopping study financing

You stop or have finished your study programme. Or you are going to take a course which does not entitle you to financing. In that case, you have to cancel your student grant yourself.

Fill in the amendment help on DUO.nl to find out what you need to arrange.

DUO change assistance

3. Stopping your student travel product

If you are no longer entitled to your student travel product, you must stop it at a ticket machine. You may no longer travel with it from the 1st day of the month.

Read here how to stop your travel product