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coen luijten

Docentonderzoeker Communicatie Tilburg

C. (Coen) Luijten

While he worked for years in the banking and insurance industry, Coen Luijten discovered that his heart belonged to creativity, advertising and brand building. In his mid-thirties in 2010, armed with his passion for innovation, he made the switch to higher education, taking a position teaching creativity, advertising, and branding at the Fontys University of Applied Science. In 2017, he obtained his Master of Business Innovation in Imagineering, which he now uses to help people unlock their creativity and foster their newborn brands’ image.

If he’s not building brands, you’ll find him learning about motivational psychology, travelling from country to country, and immersing himself in distinct cultures from around the globe.

Podcastserie The Next Level Marketeer

Wat kan de rol zijn marketing- & communicatieprofessionals bij het oplossen van de 'wicked problems' zoals klimaatverandering, duurzaamheid, inclusiviteit, diversiteit en robotisering waar Fontys met Impact for Society aan bijdraagt? En hoe maken we met Next Level Education van onze marketing- en communicatiestudenten Next Level Professionals met Next Level Skills? Docentenonderzoekers Coen Luijten en Joris van Dooren bespreken dit in een podcastserie.

Podcastaflevering Afstuderen met ontwerpgericht onderzoek-de gids is af

Podcastaflevering The Volda Tapes 1

Podcastaflevering The Volda Tapes 2

coen luijten

C. (Coen) Luijten

Docentonderzoeker Communicatie Tilburg