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Frequently Asked Questions

PLEASE NOTE: Participation in the Fontys Denktank requires knowledge of the Dutch language.

The CPC addresses matters concerning Fontys as a whole. These include housing plans, (part-time) education, student success, personnel policies, educational quality, and finances. The CPC is typically involved early in the policy process and ultimately provides decisions or advice to the Executive Board (CvB). A summary of topics on which decisions or advice were given in the past year can be found in the decision list. The authority of the CPC is outlined in Articles 33 to 37 of the Participation Councils and Programme Committees Regulation.

Subjects specifically pertaining to your own program, institute, or service, such as curriculum organization and institute or service policies and structures, are discussed within the Programme Committee (PC) and Institute or Service Participation Council (IPC/SPC).

The CPC comprises 22 members, including eleven staff members and eleven students, all with voting rights. To ensure continuity, reserve members are appointed, who participate fully but lack voting rights. This arrangement allows reserve members to seamlessly assume the responsibilities of departing members throughout the year. Additionally, the CPC has a Daily Board (DB) consisting of the CPC chair, CPC vice-chair, student faction chair, and staff section chair.

It's challenging to quantify the time commitment required for CPC involvement as it varies from week to week. Weeks with CPC meetings entail more preparation time for topics, while quieter weeks may only involve committee meetings, for example.

To find out when the next CPC meetings are scheduled, click here. If you wish to attend a CPC and CvB meeting, please register at cmr@fontys.nl.

The CPC convenes twice every five to six weeks: firstly without the CvB (CPC internal meeting) and then with the CvB present (CPC-CvB meeting). These meetings typically occur on Thursday evenings.

What does a meeting cycle look like?
During the week of the CPC internal meeting, students gather on Wednesday evenings for pre-meeting discussions (faction meeting), while staff members meet separately on Thursday afternoons prior to the CPC internal meeting. These pre-meeting sessions serve to prepare for the CPC meeting and discuss personnel matters with a CvB representative.

  • Intermittently between two sets of meetings, the staff section and student faction may convene for informal working group sessions.
  • Twice a year, the entire CPC holds discussions with a delegation from the Supervisory Board (SB).
  • Additionally, there are committee meetings, and midway through two formal meeting rounds, there may be working group sessions for the PS and SF.
  • A communal meal is shared before meetings. Meetings take place in Eindhoven, at the Rachelsmolen campus.
  • Student members receive monthly financial compensation, the amount of which is determined by the Participation Councils and Programme Committees Regulation.
  • Staff members are provided with time facilitation, whereby a portion of their annual workload is allocated to CPC duties, as specified in the same regulation.

Information about the financial compensation and the time facilitation is specified in the Participation Councils and Programme Committees Regulation.

Membership offers numerous benefits, including networking opportunities with employees and students from other institutes and services, gaining a broader perspective of the organization, and acquiring experiences and insights beneficial for one's career. CPC membership allows members to develop various competencies and skills, such as collaboration, strategic thinking, and communication skills, and to gain substantial knowledge (substantive, procedural, policy-related) across diverse topics. Collaboration within the CPC can be rewarding, and CPC involvement also enhances one's resume.

The entire student faction and individual students receive guidance from an advisor at the Participation Centre, with several training sessions scheduled throughout the academic year.

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