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For students

For students

Being a student, you can get involved in our research group in various ways. For instance, we regularly organise inspiring and interactive events (scroll down to find out more about the upcoming events). Furthermore, during the study programme you will get involved in our research at various moments, for instance during the minor Embrace the Border. In addition, you can do your internship or graduation assignment in our team.

As an intern within our team, you will get the opportunity to participate proactively. You will be actively involved in getting to know the team and the organisation. In addition, working at CBBD brings you into contact with many great companies and business clubs in the cross-border region around Venlo. You will also have your own specific tasks and therefore your own responsibilities, for example in the field of event management and online marketing. Finally, you will also get enough time to work on your research project.

So, do you have an affinity with the Dutch-German borderland, do themes such as HRM, entrepreneurship and inter-organisational cooperation appeal to you and do you speak at least Dutch or German? Then take a look at the vacancies below. Each vacancy states which researcher you can address your application to.

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Testimonial internship Cross-Border Business Development

Did you know you can do your internship or graduation assignment within the research group Cross-Border Business Development? Watch the testimonial from our former interns here.