EUTech Award
The EMR strives to become a global player in the field of science, technology and innovation. To achieve this goal, the qualitative education of sufficient students who opt for a study and career in the field of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is indispensable. Unfortunately, the number of STEM students is too low and, in addition, young people in current education are not sufficiently immersed in real-life and recognisable STEM topics that do justice to the authenticity of STEM. The most important aim of the project is to find a way to enthuse pupils in higher primary and lower secondary education for STEM. Pupils who are on the eve of a decisive study choice. The EUTech project introduces pupils to the various facets of STEM in a challenging, practical and inspiring way.
The Eutech project is funded by the Interreg programme of the Meuse-Rhine Euregio. This programme is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and also receives financial support from the regional authorities. More information can be found via https://www.interregemr.eu/projecten/eutech.
Project Partners
UCLL Art of Teaching (BE)
PXL STEM Academy (BE)
Technifutur - Centre de competence (BE)
Fontys University of Applied Sciences Sittard - IOBC research group (NL)

The Associated Partners


And made possible by

Project information
dr. D. van Breukelen
Project code
From 01/03/2021 to 31/08/2023.
Totaal (inclusief alle partners): € 1.269.964,99
FLOS: € 78.220,23
lopend project
Project goals
- International competition (Technology award) to inspire first-year secondary school students to tackle various (societal) challenges from a technical perspective and experience STEM
- Organize awareness sessions in schools on technical professions (Renewable energy, Automation and Robotics, Artificial intelligence, Electricity, machining, etc.) with demonstrations/exercises
- Create a toolbox for teachers to help them train and integrate these subjects into their traditional courses (Teacher’s guide, PPT, TTT, student PPT, exercises, etc.)
Project Summary
- The strength of the Euregional Technology Award project that provides young people and their environment with knowledge and skills on a large scale, in a way that is accessible to schools, and that it enthuses for a career in STEM.
- European research into motivation for STEM education has shown that interest in STEM should be stimulated at an early age. This is the reason why this project focuses on deep learning with a long lasting and sustainable impact.
- FLOS is involved in several collaborative initiatives related to STEM education. The knowledge and insights derived from the project can therefore be shared quickly. Thus, this project contributes to the goal of making children more enthusiastic about and successful in STEM.